Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Did ya hear the thump?

Okay, so I've fallen off the proverbial wagon (again). I'm not sure why, and I haven't got my crap back together to get back on, but I will. I even took pictures (at first) of the junk that I was eating. It did give me pause about what was going in my yap-trap, but it didn't completely stop me. I can tell that the sugary junk that I am eating is yucking me up, my skin is getting yucky again, my hair is gross, and I am even more tired...again.

I think it is all in the planning. Which, Obviously, I am not really good at. I could give a million and one excuses as to why I am having a hard time, but, they are all just excuses. Wanna hear some...Here goes (in my best "you want cheese with the whine voice"):

The kids are just so busy, that I don't have time to slow down and keep myself on track...

I'm too tired at the end of the day to make a good meal...

It is just easier to eat what everyone else in the house is eating...

I just don't have the support at home that I need to make this work...

How do you like these so far? I even have a bunch as to why I am not getting exercise. Usually they have to do with road conditions and achy body parts...God Bless Vermont winters!

Have I failed? No, I refuse to think that way... I heard a great quote that says "You have only failed when you quit trying". (my apologies to whom ever wrote/said it, I couldn't remember who it was.) And I am not done trying yet.
My other favorite is by Thomas Edison who said "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." So far I am on way number 4 that won't work....I still have a lot of attempts, right!

So, I am going try to get back to posting every day. I may or not have pictures every day, 'cause sometimes, the headache of getting all my equipment to function is enough to send me to the loony-bin! But I will try to be more regular, and hand out my blog address to more people. Maybe that will help.

Bedtime now (yippee!)

Catch ya on the flip side.


Amy B said...

YOU can do it..I get on and off the wagon more times then I care to think about...The biggest battle is knowing you need to get back on...

Amy said...

Hi Amy, Thanks for stopping by. Lucky for us the "wagon" never stops going around!
Take care and stop by again. You and yours are in my prayers.

Amy said...

You're preachin' to the choir, girl. I sat there last night eating ice cream, and then afterwards, I thought "Why did I eat that....I feel so gross." Oh well....