Wednesday, June 22, 2011

4 Month Surg-aversary

Well, I was going to post yesterday, but it was a crazy day.  Shane-O had doctors appointments in Rutland and at Dartmouth.  Then when we got back, I took some mommy time and went to Bingo.  Yes, I went to Bingo.  Go ahead, bring on the old lady comments, I can take 'em! 

Anywho, yesterday was my 4 month surg-aversary.  Four months since I took the walk off the deep-end into my new life.  At the beginning of my journey I was 333 pounds.  Yesterday I weighed in at 237, for a total loss of 96 pounds, and a four month total of 53 pounds!  That breaks down to 13.25 pounds a month.  I think that is pretty good!  Even if I break that down into the 15 months I have been on this crazy journey, it comes out to 6.4 pounds a month!  Still good!  Not to mention, I am just over half way done with my total weight loss.  Only 90 lbs left to go!  YAY ME!

All that being said, I am still struggling with many of the changes I have had to make in my life to make this work for the long run.  I am going to really meditate on things and write about them later.  'Cause for right now, I am going to celebrate my half way victory, and just be happy.....


Tracy said...

Wooohooo! You are doing great...and looking good! You should take this moment to celebrate...this is already such a major accomplishment. So happy for you :)

AnnK said...

You should be celebrating. You've come a long way baby! Very proud of you. It is not an easy journey but you had the courage to go forward anyhow. You are amazing and inspiration to anyone who thinks the possible is impossible. Keep up the good work and more importantly....keep loving yourself and celebrating :) XOXOX Ann

AnnK said...

You should be celebrating. You've come a long way baby! Very proud of you and the courage you have. This has not been an easy decision or journey but you have stayed strong and stuck with it. You are not only amazing but an inspiration to anyone who thinks the possible is impossible. Keep loving yourself and keep celebrating...XOXXO

Ma said...

Oh sweetie - what a remarkable accomplishment! If you have the strength to make a decision like the one you made to have surgery, you have the strength to change those old habits that want to take away your power.

You deserve all the happiness you have worked so hard for - and I know that you will have what it takes to continue this most wonderful quest you have undertaken for the sake of yourself and the ones who love you!